

This is the default config. When the config is merged from an older version it will loose the explanation (everthing what starts with a #) You can redownload a new copy here with the explanations and save it as a .yml file

The config # The language used in the plugin (en is default). language: en options:

  # [integer] The max number of players allowed in a single party. (including the leader)
  maxPartySize: 4
  # [integer] The time in seconds before a player can use the /island info command again. (note: cooldowns are reset when the plugin is reloaded)
  cooldownInfo: 20
  # [integer] The time in seconds before a player can use the /island restart command again.
  cooldownRestart: 30
  # [integer] The time in seconds before a player can use the /island biome command again.
  biomeChange: 180
  # [integer] The number of milliseconds between the same notification is sent to the player.
  # This is used when events are triggered heavily - i.e. item-pickup-prevention, damage-prevention etc.
  maxSpam: 2000
  # [string] The name of the skyblock world, will be automatically generated if it doesn't exist.
  worldName: skyworld
  # [integer] Area around 0,0 where islands will not be created to protect spawn.
  spawnSize: 64
  # [integer] The y-coordinate (height) where islands are spawned.
  height: 150
  # [integer] The number of blocks between islands.
  distance: 128
  # [integer] The size of the protective region for each island. Can't be higher than 'distance'
  # and MUST be divisible by 32 if you intend to use nether.
  protectionRange: 128
  # [filename] The schematic to use for island generation.
  # Put your schematic in the 'uSkyBlock/schematics' folder, you don't need to add the '.schematic' part below.
  schematicName: default
  # [true/false] If true, remove all hostile mobs when a player teleports back to their island.
  removeCreaturesByTeleport: false
  # [item list] The list of items to place in the chest when a player starts a new island. ITEM_ID:HOW_MANY.
  # default is 2 ice, 1 watermelon, 1 cactus, 1 lava bucket, 1 red & brown mushroom, 1 pumpkin seed, 1 sugar cane, 1 sign.
  chestItems: 79:2 360:1 81:1 327:1 40:1 39:1 361:1 338:1 323:1
  # [true/false] If true, add extra items to a chest when a player starts a new island. (for donors and special players)
  addExtraItems: true
  # [integer] The delay in seconds before teleporting to an island. Affects /is home, /is warp, /is spawn
  islandTeleportDelay: 2
  # Allow PvP on the island
  allowPvP: deny
  #[true/false] Allow players to completely lock their islands so non-party members can't enter. (locking still requires permission usb.lock)
  allowIslandLock: true
  # [true/false] If true, use island levels/ranks (/island info) - may have a slight impact on performance
  # Set to false if you have performance issues
  useIslandLevel: true
  # [true/false] Whether or not /is top should be available.
  useTopTen: true
  # [integer] The time in minutes for how often the top-ten list will be re-generated when doing /is top
  topTenTimeout: 20
  # [integer] The time in minutes for refreshing/recalculating the score for players on their island
  # set to 0 to disabled
  autoRefreshScore: 0
  # [true/false] Whether or not to include island-members on the top-ten scoreboard
  topTenShowMembers: true
  # [true/false] Whether or not to try and fix flat-land issues when players join the server
  # Note: will make the PlayerJoin event take longer.
  fixFlatland: false
  # The format used in /islandtalk chat messages
  chat-format: '&9SKY &r{DISPLAYNAME} &f>&d {MESSAGE}'
  # How many entries to remember in the island-log
  log-size: 10
  # Limits the spawning
    # [true/false] if true, the limits below will limit spawning
    enabled: true
    # how many animals can be spawned within an island
    animals: 48
    # how many monsters can be spawned on an island
    monsters: 50
    # how many villagers can be spawned on an island
    villagers: 16
    # how many snowmen and iron-golems can be spawned on an island
    golems: 5
  # [permission] The name of the permissions to check if extra items are added to the chest, you can change these or add more
  # Only checked if 'addExtraItems' is set to true.
  # [permission:item list] The list of extra items to add to the chest, will only be added if the player has the permission. ITEM_ID:HOW_MANY
  # When granting the permission, prefix it with "usb." so the full permission to add would be usb.smallbonus
    smallbonus: '4:16 320:5'
    mediumbonus: '50:16 327:1'
    largebonus: '3:5 12:5'
    giantbonus: '2:1 110:1'
    extremebonus: '352:8 263:4'
    donorbonus: '261:1 262:32 272:1'
  # [true/false] If true, return players that don't have an island (this includes players removed from a party while offline), to the server spawn when they login.
  # NOTE: Requires EssentialsSpawn or another plugin with the "/spawn" command
  sendToSpawn: false
  # [true/false] If true, a player can right-click on a block of obsidian on their island while holding an empty bucket to remove the obsidian and fill the bucket with lava. This is useful for people that accidently
  # turn their lava into obsidian with a bad cobblestone generator design. Will only work on the player's island and if there are no other obsidian blocks nearby (so can't be used on portals).
  obsidianToLava: true
# Contains flags for enabling PROTECTION of various mechanics.
  # Whether or not, items dropped on the ground should be limited to party-members.
  item-drops: true
  # If true, only creepers targeting party-members will explode
  creepers: true
  # If true, Withers will be limited to harming island-members/island blocks.
  withers: true
  # Whether or not the plugin will try to protect the player from accidentally extinguishing lava
  protect-lava: true
  # Whether or not portalling to the nether roof should be blocked.
  nether-roof: true
    # Protect visitors from trampling your crop
    trampling: true
    # Protect against visitors attacked animals
    kill-animals: true
    # Protect against visitors attacking monsters
    kill-monsters: true
    # Protect from shearing
    shearing: true
    # Protect from villager-trading
    villager-trading: true
    # Whether or not visitors are protected from fall damage
    fall: true
    # Whether or not visitors are protected from fire damage (incl. lava)
    fire-damage: true
    # Whether or not visitors should be allowed to drop items
    item-drops: true
    # Warns online members when a player visits the island.
    warn-on-warp: true
    # Whether or not to actively block banned players from entering an island (by walking/flying).
    block-banned-entry: true
    # Whether or not visitors can use portals (default: false)
    use-portals: false
  # The number of ticks before an invite timeouts (20 ticks per sec.)
  invite-timeout: 600
  # The format used in /partytalk chat messages
  chat-format: '&9PARTY &r{DISPLAYNAME} &f>&b {MESSAGE}'
# This section provide some performance tweaking configs
  # If true, display-name is looked up (might be performance intensive).
  useDisplayNames: false
  # [number] The threshold for purging islands.
  # any island with a level above this, is spared.
  purgeLevel: 10
  # [seconds] The number of seconds for confirming a command by
  # re-executing it (/is leave, /is restart).
  confirmTimeout: 10
# Section about restarting your island (or accepting an invite).
  # Clears the player's inventory on island create/restart
  clearInventory: true
  # Clears the player's armor on island create/restart
  clearArmor: true
  # Clears the player's enderchest on island create/restart
  clearEnderChest: true
  # [ticks] The number of ticks to wait, before porting the player back
  # on /is restart or /is create (default: 40)
  teleportDelay: 20
  # [true/false] Whether or not the player should be auto teleported to the island when it's ready
  teleportWhenReady: true
  # list of commands to execute after island-creation
  # i.e.
  # - me Jumps with &ajoy
  extra-commands: []

# List of selections for /is create and /is restart # the nodes under island-schemes must match the schematic-names from the schematics folder. island-schemes:

# name of the schematic
  # permission needed to use island
  permission: usb.island.create
  # small discription of the island
  description: The default uSkyBlock island
  # item to display in the GUI
  displayItem: SAPLING
  # optional, default true (true enabled in GUI, false disabled in GUI)
  enabled: true
  # optional, must be listed in ascending order
  index: 2
  # optional extra's that can be given per island
  extraItems: ''
  maxPartySize: 4
  animals: 48
  monsters: 50
  villagers: 16
  golems: 5
  permission: usb.schematic.skysmp
  description: The original SkySMP island
  displayItem: GRASS
  extraItems: 'OBSIDIAN:14 FLINT_AND_STEEL:1'

# This section allows donors to get specific perks #donor-perks: # usb: # donor: # example: # # permission: usb.donor.example will give the below extra items # maxPartySize: 5 # schematics: [LargeIsland] # animals: 60 # monsters: 100 # villagers: 24 # rewardBonus: 0.5 # hungerReduction: 0.5


# [true/false] Whether to require confirmation (i.e. repeating the command twice).
is leave: true
# [true/false] Whether to require confirmation (i.e. repeating the command twice).
is restart: true


# Supports disabling the detection of AWE
enabled: true
# Show progress to the user every 5 seconds
progressEveryMs: 5000
# Or 20pct (what-ever comes first)
progressEveryPct: 20
  # The maximum time to wait for AWE paste to complete (2m, 3m20s, etc.)
  timeout: 15s
  # The number of ms between each heartbeat
  heartBeatMs: 2000


entry-message: true
exit-message: true


enabled: true
terraform-enabled: true
# The distance to search for valid terra-form location.
terraform-distance: 7
height: 75
lava-level: 7
  level: 100
schematicName: uSkyBlockNether
# The probability of forming blocks
    - '{p=0.7}NETHERRACK'
    - '{p=0.15}NETHERRACK'
    - '{p=0.05}QUARTZ_ORE'
    - '{p=0.05}SOUL_SAND'
    - '{p=0.50}QUARTZ_ORE'
    - '{p=0.10}QUARTZ_ORE'
    - '{p=0.70}SOUL_SAND'
    - '{p=0.10}SOUL_SAND'
    - '{p=0.60}GRAVEL'
    - '{p=0.10}GRAVEL'
    - '{p=0.05}SOUL_SAND'
    - '{p=0.85}GLOWSTONE'
    - '{p=0.15}GLOWSTONE'
  enabled: true
  wither: 0.20
  skeleton: 0.10
  blaze: 0.20


enabled: true
  CHEST: 'island'
  BEDROCK: 'island spawn'
  WORKBENCH: 'challenges'

# Placeholders - enable these to get placeholder substitution # usb_version # usb_island_level, usb_island_rank, usb_island_partysize_max, usb_island_partysize # usb_island_leader, usb_island_bans, usb_island_members, usb_island_trustees # usb_island_biome, usb_island_schematic # usb_island_location, usb_island_location_x, usb_island_location_y, usb_island_location_z # usb_island_golems_max, usb_island_monsters_max, usb_island_animals_max, usb_island_villagers_max, # usb_island_golems, usb_island_monsters, usb_island_animals, usb_island_villagers placeholder:

# Hooks into MVdWPlaceholderAPI
mvdwplaceholderapi: false
# uSkyBlock native placeholders for chat messages and format
chatplaceholder: false
# uSkyBlock native placeholders for server-commands
servercommandplaceholder: false

# DO NOT TOUCH THE FIELDS BELOW version: 49 force-replace:

options.party.invite-timeout: 100
options.island.islandTeleportDelay: 5
options.island.useOldIslands: false
options.island.schematicName: yourschematichere


options.restart.confirmation: confirmation.is restart
options.party.leave.confirmation: confirmation.is leave

This page is updated to uSkyblock v2.6.8

The config changes See 外部链接 for a more detailed information about the coming changes.

  • 插件手册/uskyblock/配置.1522854036.txt.gz
  • 最后更改: 2018/04/04 23:00
  • 不是西莉卡,是N酱