
/island create [schematic]usb.island.create创建空岛(can also be done from the island GUI).
From v2.6 adding a schematic is optional
/island restart [schematic]usb.island.create重启你的岛屿 (会移除所有进度).
From v2.6 adding a schematic is optional
/island partyusb.island.create显示你的岛屿的成员和所有者.
/island party infousb.island.create显示空岛频道信息
/island party invitesusb.island.create显示待定请求
/island party uninvite <player>usb.island.create撤回请求
/island home or /is husb.island.home传送至空岛的家的设置点
/island spawnusb.island.spawn传送至空岛传送点
/island sethomeusb.island.sethome设置脚下方块为空岛传送点( 只能在靠近你的岛屿时使用).
/challenges [challengename]usb.island.challenges显示挑战的需求和奖励.
/challenges complete [challengename]usb.island.challenges完成指定挑战.
/island restartfrom v2.5

/island levelusb.island.level查看你或别人的空岛等级
/island infousb.island.info查看空岛计数方块
/island limits <player>from v2.6
/island logusb.island.log显示登陆
/island topusb.island.top显示空岛前十.
/island ban [player]usb.island.ban允许/取消一个玩家到你岛上的权力.
/island lockusb.lock
from v2.6 usb.island.lock
阻止所有岛屿成员以外的人进入空岛 (这将取消激活的岛屿传送点).
/island unlockusb.lock
from v2.6 usb.island.lock
允许所有人进入岛屿 (如果传送可用).
/island warpusb.island.warp显示岛屿传送地标情况.
/island warp [player]usb.island.warp
/island setwarpusb.extra.addwarp
from v2.6 usb.island.setwarp
设置玩家可以传送的岛屿传送点. 所有的请求都将被定位到这个点.
/island togglewarpusb.extra.addwarp
from v2.6 usb.island.togglewarp
激活/开启岛屿传送点. 取消时,岛屿成员以外的人不能传送至岛屿.
/island trustusb.island.trust信任岛屿成员以外的人 (这将给予玩家破坏/建筑/挪用箱子的权力).
/island untrustusb.island.trust不信任一个访问者.
/usb island makeleader
[old player] [new player]
from v2.6 usb.island.makeleader

Added permissions from v2.7


/island invite [player]usb.party.create邀请一个玩家到你的岛屿.
/island acceptusb.party.join接受入岛邀请 (give this node to basic players if you allow them to join a party).
/island rejectusb.party.join取消入岛邀请 (give this node to basic players if you allow them to join a party).
/island leaveusb.party.join
from v2.6 usb.party.leave
离开你所在的岛. Note: 如果你是岛主,将移除其他所有成员.
/island partyusb.party.join显示岛屿的所有者和成员.
/island kick [player]usb.party.kick移除你指定的岛屿成员.
/islandtalk /istalk or /itusb.island.talk开启岛屿成员和信任成员的聊天频道
/partytalk /ptalk or /ptkusb.party.talk在服务器范围内开启岛屿成员聊天频道.

/usb goto [player]usb.mod.goto传送至指定玩家的空岛
/usb toptenusb.mod.topten生成/更新空岛前十名单.
/usb challenge [player]
complete [challengename]
usb.mod.challenges为指定玩家完成指定挑战 (note: this does not give rewards, it only sets the status as completed)
/usb challenge [player]
reset [challancename]
usb.mod.challenges重设玩家的指定挑战进度 (note: this does not take rewards away, it only sets the status as incomplete)
/usb challenges [player]
usb.mod.challenges为玩家重设挑战进度 (note: 这并不会收回奖励,只是把所有挑战数据设为0)
noneusb.mod.bypassprotection这会无视WG保护. To bypass the "entry" flag moderators also need the node worldguard.region.bypass.skyworld.
noneusb.mod.bypasscooldowns无视所有空岛冷却 (空岛重设和权限)

/usb docusb.admin.doc储存指令文档 (A must for server owners).
/usb configusb.admin.configOpen GUI for config for ingame editing some value's.
/usb info [player]usb.admin.info以管理员身份显示玩家信息.
与/is info不同.
/usb island info [player]usb.admin.info以管理员身份显示空岛信息.
与/usb info 不同.
/usb island ignore [playerusb.admin.ignore这会无视前十榜单,并防止被清除.
/usb perkusb.admin.perk显示奖励信息.
/usb perk listusb.admin.perk列出所有奖励.
/usb perk player [player]usb.admin.perk显示特定玩家的奖励信息.
/usb island setbiome [player] <biome>usb.admin.setbiome设置空岛生物群系.
/usb island ignore [player]usb.admin.ignore切换被忽略数据.
/usb island remove [player]usb.admin.remove在不清除一个玩家的岛的情况下撤销所有者权限.
/usb fix-flatland [player]usb.admin.remove修复岛下平地.
/usb island register [player]usb.admin.registerSet "player's" island location to a bedrock within 15 blocks.
/usb island delete [player]usb.admin.deleteDelete "player's" island.
/usb cooldownusb.admin.cooldownControls player-cooldowns.
/usb cd clear or cd c [player] <command>usb.admin.cooldownClears the cooldown on a command (* = all).
/usb cd list or cd l [player]usb.admin.cooldownLists all the active cooldowns.
/usb cd restart or cd r <player>usb.admin.cooldownRestarts the cooldown on the command.
/usb is addmember [player] [islandleader]usb.admin.addmemberAdds the player to the island.
/usb island makeleader|transfer <leader> <oplayer>from v2.6 usb.admin.makeleadertransfer leadership to another player.
/usb island protect [player]usb.mod.protectAdds the WorldGuard protection Region for a player.
/usb island protectallusb.mod.protectAdd's the WorldGuard protection Region for all players (this can cause some lag depending on amount of players).
/usb island purgeusb.admin.purgeDeletes the island your currently on (island.YML will be deleted and player.yml be reset however the challenges will be kept).
/usb purge [days]usb.admin.purgeDeletes the islands that are [days]'s inactive (island.YML will be deleted and player.yml be reset however the challenges will be kept).
/usb orphanusb.admin.orphanManage orphans.
/usb orphan clearusb.admin.orphanClear orphans.
/usb orphan countusb.admin.orphanCount orphans.
/usb orphan listusb.admin.orphanList orphans.
/usb versionusb.admin.versionDisplays version information
(the info we need when reporting bugs).
/usb reloadusb.admin.reloadReload the configuration settings from the file.
/usb lang [landcode]usb.admin.langIngame command to change the language and reloads after.
/usb wgusb.admin.wgVarious WorldGuard utilities.
/usb wg loadusb.admin.wgLoad the region chunks.
/usb wg refreshusb.admin.wgRefreshes the chunks around the player.
/usb wg unloadusb.admin.wgLoad the region chunks.
/usb wg updateusb.admin.wgUpdate the WG regions.
/usb jobsusb.admin.jobsControls async jobs.
/usb j statsusb.admin.jobs.statsShow statistics.
/usb debugusb.admin.debugControl debugging.
/usb debug enable or disableusb.admin.debugToggle debug-logging.
/usb debug flushusb.admin.debugFlush current content of the logger to file.
/usb debug setlevel [level]usb.admin.debugSet debug-level, choose from: INFO, FINE, FINER or FINEST
/usb flushusb.admin.cacheFlushes all caches to files.

Added permissions from v2.7

/usb import <format>usb.admin.importimports players and islands from other formats
/usb island|iusb.admin.importmanage islands
/usb is get <player>usb.admin.getadvanced command for getting island-data
/usb is info <player>usb.admin.infoprint out info about the island
/usb is set <player>usb.admin.setadvanced command for setting island-data
/usb maintenance <true|false>usb.admin.maintenancetoggles maintenance mode
/usb nbtusb.admin.nbtadvanced info about NBT stuff
/usb nbt add|a <nbttag>usb.admin.nbtadds the NBTTag on the currently held item
/usb nbt info|iusb.admin.nbtshows the NBTTag for the currently held item
/usb nbt set|s <nbttag>usb.admin.nbtsets the NBTTag on the currently held item
/usb protectallusb.admin.protectallprotects all islands (time consuming)
/usb region|rgusb.admin.regionregion manipulations
/usb rg borderusb.admin.regionshows the non-chunk-aligned borders
/usb rg chunkusb.admin.regionshows the borders of the current chunk
/usb rg hideusb.admin.regionhides the regions again
/usb rg innerusb.admin.regionshows the borders of the inner-chunks
/usb rg outerusb.admin.regionshows the borders of the outer-chunks
/usb rg refreshusb.admin.regionrefreshes the existing animations
/usb rg showusb.admin.regionshows the borders of the current island
/usb rg tick <integer>usb.admin.regionset the ticks between animations

/island biome [biomeName]usb.biome."biomeName"Allows the player to set their island's biome to the given biomeName. Available biomes include:
noneusb.schematic.[schematic]A player with this permission will use the given "schematic" when creating a new island. The schematic must be in the uSkyBlock/schematics folder. Do not include the .schematic extension in the permission name
noneusb.extra.hungerA player with this permission will loose hunger 25% slower on their island.
noneusb.extra.hunger2A player with this permission will loose hunger 50% slower on their island.
noneusb.extra.hunger3A player with this permission will loose hunger 75% slower on their island.
noneusb.extra.hunger4A player with this permission will not loose hunger on their island.
nonegroup.memberplusadds 5% bonus currency bonus when completing a challenge
noneusb.donor.alladds 5% bonus currency bonus when completing a challenge
noneusb.donor.25adds 5% bonus currency bonus when completing a challenge
noneusb.donor.50adds 5% bonus currency bonus when completing a challenge
noneusb.donor.75adds 10% bonus currency bonus when completing a challenge
noneusb.donor.100adds 20% bonus currency bonus when completing a challenge

There are 2 custom made permissions you can add yourself.
The first one can be added in the "extraPermissions:"section and are build up as followed:

      smallbonus: '4:16 320:5'          #<---gives these items extra in the chest at start or restart
      GiveItYourOwnName: '50:16 327:1'  #<---gives these items extra in the chest at start or restart

The permissions that are used here would then look like

  • usb.smallbonus
  • usb.GiveItYourOwnName

The second one can be added to the "maxPartyPermissions:" section and is build up as followed:

# This section allows donors to get specific perks
        maxPartySize: 15           #<---gives a max of 15 players on your island
        maxPartySize: 16           #<---gives a max of 16 players on your island
        GiveItYourOwnNameX: 123    #<---gives a max of 123 players on your island

The permissions that are used here would then look like

  • usb.extra.party5
  • usb.extra.party6
  • usb.extra.GiveItYourOwnNameX

In both cases you can add as many permissions as you like or need, but make sure they all have their unique name.


  • Green = 指令
  • Red = 权限

  • 插件手册/uskyblock/命令和权限.txt
  • 最后更改: 2018/06/28 01:10
  • BCA酱