

参与开发 Contributing

(版本:2018-10-16 翻译:kjiang 原文链接

Do you like my work here? There are some ways you can help to make this plugin even better:

Need something? Or just have a brilliant idea? Head to the Issues and create new one. Just remember to start the title with uppercase letter or I will edit it!

Found a bug? Great, create new issue so I can fix it in the next version!

I love to see this plugin used by people from other countries. I would be happy if you could translate it to your language and share the translation with me. You can send me the edited messages.yml file or submit a pull request.

If you know Java and Bukkit you can take some issue and create pull request. Just let me know and remember these few things:

* The contributed code should be well tested and fully working. * Use only spaces for indentation. * Wrap your code at 120th character. * Comment everything so the code is easy to understand for everyone. * Use block comments to document classes, methods and fields.

I really like to hear that people are using my plugin. If you've got a server and have made a few quests just let me know so I can check it out ^^

If you have some spare money and REALLY like this plugin you can donate here. This project however is not dependent on donations, so it's really optional :)

  • 插件手册/betonquest/参与开发.1548543658.txt.gz
  • 最后更改: 2019/01/27 07:00
  • 小小k酱