
高级技巧 Tips and Tricks

(版本:2018-10-16 翻译:kjiang 原文链接


Handling death in your quests

Sometimes, while writing a dangerous quest you will want something specific to happen when the player dies. If it's a boss battle you may want to fail the quest, if it's a dungeon you may want to respawn the player at the beginning of a level etc. You can do that with die objective - simply start it for the player at the beginning of the quest and make it fire events that will do the thing you want (like teleporting the player to desired respawn point, removing tags set during the quest etc). You can add persistent argument to the objective instruction string to make it active even after completing it. Remember to delete it after the quest is done!

Creating regions for one player at the time

Imagine you have a room to which the player is teleported. Then suddenly mobs start to spawn and the player must kill them (because it's a trap or something). The player has killed all the mobs, he got a tag and wants to proceed but all of the sudden another player teleports into the room and all the mobs start to spawn again. The first player is quickly killed and the second one easily kills all mobs. You can prevent such situations by using party condition. Just check with it if the party consisting of “players inside the room” has greater amount of players that 1. Set the range to something big enough so it covers the room and the party condition can be tag or location.

Racing with folder event

Since folder event can run tag events even for offline players you can create races. Create location objective where you want the finish line to be and condition it with negated “race_failed” tag (or similar). It will mean that “if the player has not failed the race, he can win it by reaching the location”. Now when the race starts fire folder event with the amount of time you want to give your players to complete the race. This event should set “race_failed” tag. If the player reaches the location before this tag is set, he will fire all events in that location objective, but if the time has passed, the objective will not be completed. You can figure the rest out for yourself.

Random daily quests

Starting the random quest must be blocked with a special tag. If there is no such tag, the conversation option should appear. Create a few quests, each of them started with single folder event (they must be started by single event!). Now add those events to another folder event and make it random:1. At the end of every quest add delay which will reset the special blocking tag. Now add that folder event to the conversation option. When the player chooses it he will start one random quest, and the conversation option will become available after defined in delay objective time after completing the quest.





  1. 首先编辑你的main.yml,在static新增加一个静态事件(如果没有static就创建一个。):
      '23:59': 刷新随机任务


  2. 然后在events.yml创建一个叫“刷新随机任务”的事件:
    刷新随机任务: folder 改成紫色羊毛,改成黄色羊毛,改成黑色羊毛 random:1


    刷新随机任务: folder 改成紫色羊毛,改成黄色羊毛,改成黑色羊毛 random:1
    改成紫色羊毛: setblock PURPLE_WOOL 123;64;456;world
    改成黄色羊毛: setblock YELLOW_WOOL 123;64;456;world
    改成黑色羊毛: setblock BLACK_WOOL 123;64;456;world


  3. 在任务NPC的各个初始对话中各插入一个方块检测testforblock条件conditions,比如:
    quester: 工会NPC
    start: 任务A,任务B,任务C
        text: '今天工会提供任务A哦,你要接受吗?'
        conditions: 是紫色羊毛
        text: '今天工会提供任务B哦,你要接受吗?'
        conditions: 是黄色羊毛
        text: '今天工会提供任务C哦,你要接受吗?'
        conditions: 是黑色羊毛
  4. 别忘了你的conditions.yml
    是紫色羊毛: testforblock 123;64;456;world PURPLE_WOOL
    是黄色羊毛: testforblock 123;64;456;world YELLOW_WOOL
    是黑色羊毛: testforblock 123;64;456;world BLACK_WOOL




  1. quester: 怀疑者
  2. start: 初始对话
  3. NPC_options:
  4.   初始对话:
  5.   text: "我要怎么相信你?"
  6.   pointer: "相信我"
  7.   我相信: # 有15%的概率会显示这段对话
  8.   text: "行吧,我相信你。"
  9.   conditions: 相信的概率
  10.   我怀疑: # 有35%的概率会显示
  11.   text: "我没空,下次再说吧。"
  12.   conditions: 怀疑的概率
  13.   我不信: # 有50%的概率会显示
  14.   text: "我不信,除非你证明给我看。"
  15.   conditions: 不信的概率
  17. player_optoins:
  18.   相信我:
  19.   text: "相信我, 我是认真的!"
  20.   pointer: 我相信,我怀疑,我不信


  1. 相信的概率: random 15-100 # =15%
  2. 怀疑的概率: random 35-85 # =(35%)/{1-15%}=35%/85%=46.6666%
  3. 不信的概率: random 50-50 # =(50%)/{(1-15%)(1-35%/85%)}=50/50=100%



    pointer: 我相信,我怀疑,我不信


  1. 先计算我相信对话里的conditions条件(相信的概率)是否满足,如果满足则显示“我相信你。”
  2. 如果“我相信”里的conditions不满足,则计算我怀疑里的conditions条件(怀疑的概率),满足则显示“我没空,下次再说吧。”
  3. 如果“我怀疑”也不满足,最后则计算我不信的conditions条件(不信的概率


因为计算的概率和pointer(pointer: 我相信,我怀疑,我不信)的排序有强烈关系,所以pointer里填写的(“我相信”、“我怀疑”和“我不信”)顺序不能打乱,否则实际概率会变!


  1. 第一个填写的概率 - a-100
  2. 第二个填写的概率 - b-{100-a}
  3. 第三个填写的概率 - c-{100-a-b}
  4. 第四个填写的概率 - d-{100-a-b-c}
  5. 第五个填写的概率 - e-{100-a-b-c-d}
  6. 最后一个填写的概率 - 100-100 其实不用填,因为一定等于100%


  1. 第一个 - a满足: random 3-100
  2. 第二个 - 7-{100-3}=7-97 b满足: random 7-97
  3. 第三个 - 15-{100-3-7}=15-90 c满足: random 15-90
  4. 第四个 - 31-{100-3-7-15}=31-75 d满足: random 31-75
  5. 最后一个 - (不用写conditions)

Quest GUI

If you want your players to be able to choose a quest everywhere, every time, then you can create a conversation which can be started with an item. This one is a little hacky but it shows flexibility of BetonQuest. First you need a conversation which behaves as a quest choosing GUI. Name the NPC “Quester”, add one option for each quest etc. Now you need an objective which will start this conversation using conversation event. It should be action objective, set to right click on any block. Add hand condition to make it accept only clicks with a specific item and make the objective persistent (so players can use it multiple times). The item used here should be marked as Quest Item so players can't drop it. Now define new global location covering your whole map and using it start the objective and give players the item. This way all players (existing and new) will get the quest item, which opens a GUI with quests when right clicked.