leveling: exp-calc-alt: false exp-curve: 1.0 max-exp: 100000 max-level: 60 pad-max-level: true exp-loss: 0.1 pvp-exp-loss: 1.0 max-party-size: 6 party-exp-bonus: 1.0 level-loss: false mastery-loss: false spawner-checks: false spawner-exp-mult: 0.5 reset-on-death: false pvp-range: 50 min-pvp-level: 1 pvp-exp-range: 10 pvp-max-exp-range: 40 dump-exp-file: false mob-health-distance-modified: true mob-health-modifier: 3 mob-experience-distance-modified: true mob-exp-modifier: 3 mob-damage-distance-modified: true mob-damage-modifier: 3 classes: swap-cost: 0 old-swap-cost: 0 prof-swap-cost: 0 old-prof-swap-cost: 0 race-swap-cost: 0 old-race-swap-cost: 0 master-swap-free: true first-swap-free: true first-swap-free-race: true use-prefix: false reset-exp-on-change: true reset-master-on-change: false reset-prof-master-on-change: false reset-prof-on-pri-change: false lock-till-master: false lock-at-max-level: false self-heal: 0.5 class-change-cooldown: 600000 attributes: allocation-points-per-level: 3 attack-damage-per-strength: 1.0 health-per-constitution: 20.0 magic-resist-per-constitution: 0.003 stamina-regeneration-per-endurance: 1 carry-weight-per-endurance: 0.0 projectile-damage-per-dexterity: 2.0 speed-increase-per-dexterity: 0.001 mana-per-intellect: 5 mana-regeneration-per-wisdom: 1 healthbar: limit-one-bar: true health-per-bar: 20 display-entity-health: true properties: storage-type: yml economy: true debug: true enchant-exp-mult: 3 global-cooldown: 500 block-tracking-duration: 900000 max-tracked-blocks: 2000 slow-while-casting: true combat-time: 10000 reduce-item-damage: 4 silence-passive-skill-messages: false check-equipment-weight: false combat-enter-message: You have entered combat! combat-exit-message: You have left combat! database: type: mysql db: test poolsize: 10 url: localhost port: '3306' username: test password: test bed: enabled: true interval: 15 percent: 5 mana: interval: 5 stamina: interval: 1 food: enabled: false time-multiplier: 5000 heal-percent: 0.05 bonus: expiration: 0 exp: 1.0 message: Bonus experience time is enabled! hats: level: 1 enabled: false features: item-roll: enabled: true include-victim-name: false expire-seconds: 30 radius: x: 25 y: 25 z: 25 scoreboard: enabled: true title: §6§lCharacter component: info: enabled: true title: §3✶ Hero Info ✶ class: enabled: true format: short: '§9§l{0} §4§lL: §6{1} - §a§l{2}%' long: '§f; §5§l{0} §f; §4§lLvl: §6{1} §f; - §a§l{2}%' long-length: 11 health: enabled: true format: §4§l❤ §c{0} / {1} §4❤§l merge-mana: true merge-mana-threshold: 50 mana: enabled: true format: §1§l✦ §9{0} / {1} §1§l✦ stamina: enabled: false format: §2{0}§8 / §3{1} party: enabled: false title: §d✰ Party ✰ member-format: '{2}{0}§f: {2}{3}%' equipment-weight: LEATHER_HELMET: 5 LEATHER_CHESTPLATE: 15 LEATHER_LEGGINGS: 10 LEATHER_BOOTS: 5 GOLD_HELMET: 10 GOLD_CHESTPLATE: 25 GOLD_LEGGINGS: 15 GOLD_BOOTS: 5 CHAINMAIL_HELMET: 10 CHAINMAIL_CHESTPLATE: 25 CHAINMAIL_LEGGINGS: 20 CHAINMAIL_BOOTS: 5 IRON_HELMET: 10 IRON_CHESTPLATE: 30 IRON_LEGGINGS: 25 IRON_BOOTS: 10 DIAMOND_HELMET: 15 DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE: 40 DIAMOND_LEGGINGS: 30 DIAMOND_BOOTS: 15