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插件手册:betonquest:命令和权限 [2018/06/14 23:52]
卖烤麩 [命令和权限]
插件手册:betonquest:命令和权限 [2018/08/03 12:01]
行 1: 行 1:
 ====== 命令和权限 ====== ====== 命令和权限 ======
-{{ :插件手册:betonquest:bq指令大全.png |}}+
 ---- ----
行 7: 行 7:
   * /j - 获得小本本,里边记录任务状态。(里边的内容需要BQ编辑者自己写)\\   * /j - 获得小本本,里边记录任务状态。(里边的内容需要BQ编辑者自己写)\\
 +  * ~~ /bc - 打开罗盘\\
   * ~~ /backpack - 打开任务背包~~\\   * ~~ /backpack - 打开任务背包~~\\
行 14: 行 16:
   * /q reload - 重载BQ(每次编写完BQ任务后都需要重载)\\   * /q reload - 重载BQ(每次编写完BQ任务后都需要重载)\\
-  * /q objectives <html><playerName></html> [list/add/del] [instruction] - 显示玩家的当前任务\\+  * /q objectives {playerName[list/add/del/complete] [instruction] - 显示玩家的当前任务\\
-  * /q tags <html><playerName></html> [list/add/del] [tag] - lists 显示玩家所有的标签\\+  * /q tags {playerName[list/add/del] [tag] - lists 显示玩家所有的标签\\
-  * /q points <html><playerName></html> [list/add/del] [category] [amount] - 显示玩家所有类型的积分\\+  * /q points {playerName[list/add/del] [category] [amount] - 显示玩家所有类型的积分\\
-  * ~~ /q journal <html><playerName></html> [list/add/del] [package.pointer] [date] - 任务列表操作~~\\+  * ~~ /q journal {playerName[list/add/del] [package.pointer] [date] - 任务列表操作~~\\
-  * /q event <html><playerName></html> <package.eventID- 对玩家执行事件\\+  * /q event {playerName} {package.eventID- 对玩家执行事件\\
-  * /q condition <html><playerName></html> <package.conditionID- 显示玩家执行中的事件 +  * /q condition {playerName} {package.conditionID- 显示玩家执行中的事件 
-  * /q item <package.itemID- 用手中的物品,在BQ的物品表里边加入一个新的条目 +  * /q item {package.itemID- 用手中的物品,在BQ的物品表里边加入一个新的条目 
-  * /q give <package.itemID- 获得BQ物品表里边的某个物品\\+  * /q give {package.itemID- 获得BQ物品表里边的某个物品\\
-  * ~~ /q config <html><set/add/read></html> <html><path></html> [value] - 配置BQ文件目录~~\\+  * ~~ /q config {set/add/read} {path[value] - 配置BQ文件目录~~\\
-  * /q purge <html><playerName></html> - 删除玩家所有的BQ信息\\+  * /q purge {playerName- 删除玩家所有的BQ信息\\
-  * ~~ /q rename <html><tag/point/objective/entry></html> renames all specified things in the database~~\\+  * ~~ /q rename {tag/point/objective/entry} {oldName} {newName} 重命名数据库中各种东西的名称~~\\
-  * ~~ /q delete <html><tag/point/objective/entry></html> deletes all specified things in the database~~\\+  * ~~ /q delete {tag/point/objective/entry} {name} 删除数据库中指定东西~~\\
-  * ~~ /q backup - creates a backup of configuration files and database~~\\+  * ~~ /q backup - 创建数据库和配置文件的备份~~\\
-  * ~~ /q create <html><package></html>creates new package with given namefilled with default quest~~\\+  * ~~ /q create {package}创建给定名称的新包package, 包含默认请求quest~~\\
-  * ~~ /q vector <packname.variable> <html><newvariable></html>: calculates the vector from first location variable to you position and saves it as second variable~~\\+  * ~~ /q vector {packname.variable} {newvariable}计算从第一个位置变量到您位置的向量, 并将其另存为第二个变量(原文:calculates the vector from first location variable to you position and saves it as second variable~~\\
-  * ~~ /questlang <html><lang></html> changes the language for the player (and globally if used from console). default language will use the language defined in config.yml.~~+  * ~~ /questlang {lang改变玩家所用的语言(如果在控制台使用则改变所有玩家),默认将使用config.yml里定义的语言~~ 
 +====== 指令别名 ====== 
 +  * /j: bj, journal, bjournal, betonjournal, betonquestjournal 
 +  * /backpack: b, bb, bbackpack, betonbackpack, betonquestbackpack 
 +  * /q: bq, bquest, bquests, betonquest, betonquests, quest, quests 
 +      * objective: o, objectives 
 +      * tag: t, tags 
 +      * point: p, points 
 +      * event: e, events 
 +      * condition: c, conditions 
 +      * journal: j, journals 
 +      * item: i, items 
 +      * give: g 
 +      * rename: r 
 +      * delete: d, del 
 +      * create: package 
 +  * /questlang: ql
 ====== 权限一览 ====== ====== 权限一览 ======
-  * betonquest.- 所有权限, 拥有全部bq权限+  * betonquest.admin - 所有权限, 拥有全部bq权限 
 +  * betonquest.journal - 允许使用/ j命令(默认为玩家) 
 +  * betonquest.backpack - 允许使用/背包命令(默认为玩家) 
 +  * betonquest.conversation -允许与NPC交谈(默认为玩家) 
 +  * betonquest.language - 允许更改语言(默认为玩家) 
 +====== 主要命令介绍 ====== 
 +Reloading loads all data from configuration, but not everything is updated. Player's data isn't touched to avoid lags made by database saving. The database is also the same, you will have to reload/restart the whole server for the database to change. 
 +Tags subcommand allows you to easily list and modify tags. '/q tags Beton' would list tags for player Beton. '/q tags Beton add test' would add "test" tag for that player, and '/q tags Beton del test' would remove it. 
 +Points subcommand is similar - listing points is done the same way. Adding points to a category looks like that: '/q points Beton add reputation 20' (adding 20 points to "reputation" category). You can also subtract points with negative amounts. Removing the whole point category can be achieved by '/q points Beton del reputation'
 +Journal subcommand works in the same way as those two above. Adding and removing looks like /q journal Beton add default.wood_started (or del), and you can also specify the date of entry when adding it, by appending date written like this: 23.04.2014_16:52 at the end of the command. Note that there is _ character instead of space! 
 +Objective subcommand allows you to list all active objectives (shown as their labels) of the player. It can also directly add or cancel objectives using instruction strings. You can also complete the objective for the player using complete argument - it will run all events and remove the objective. 
 +Running events for online players can be done with event argument: '/q event Beton give_emeralds' would run "give_emeralds" for player Beton (if he's online) from default package (not necessarily "default" but rather the default one specified in config.yml). If you want to run a static event, replace player's name with -. 
 +There is also condition argument for checking conditions, for example '/q condition Beton has_food'. Events and conditions need to be defined in their files, this command doesn't accept raw instructions. You can skip package name, the plugin will assume you're reffering to package specified in default_package option in config.yml file. 
 +If you need to create for example "Nettlebane" quest item, just hold it in your hand and type '/q item nettlebane'. It will copy the item you're holding into the items.yml file and save it there with the name you specified (in this case "nettlebane"). You can skip the package name here as well. 
 +The '/q give package.item' command will simply give you specified item. 
 +Config subcommand is used to modify or display values in configuration files. set option replaces the value with what you typed, add simply adds your string to the existing value. (Note on spaces: by default the plugin won't insert a space between existing and added value. You can however achieve that by prefixing the string with _ character. For example: existing string is objective location, and you want to add 100;200;300;world;10. Your command will look like /q config add default.events.loc_obj _100;200;300;world;10). read option allows you to display config value without modifying it. 
 +Path in this command is like an address of the value. Next branches are separated by dots. For example language setting in main configuration has path config.language, and a text in "bye" player option in default quest has path default.conversations.innkeeper.player_options.bye.text 
 +You can purge specific player with '/q purge Beton' command, where Beton is the name of the player. To purge the entire database at once simply change the prefix in config.yml or delete database.db file. 
 +Delete command ('/q delete') allows you to delete from the database every tag, point, objective or journal entry with specified name. 
 +Rename command ('/q rename') allows you to rename every tag, point, objective or journal entry in the database. In case of an objective it will also rename the objective in objectives.yml, so it continues to work correctly. 
 +If you want to backup your configuration and database make sure that your server is empty (this process requires all data to be saved to database -> all players offline) and run '/q backup' command. You will get a zip file containing all your data, ready to be unzipped for restoring the plugin. 
 +Update command ('/q update') will try to download the newest version of the plugin and save it to the update folder. This folder is then handled by Spigot to update the plugin. If you accidentally use this command but do not wish to update the plugin, you should remove BetonQuest.jar file from the plugins/update folder before restarting/reloading the server. 
 +Using '/q create beton' command you will create new package named 'beton'. It will contain the default quest. 
 +The /q vector command allows you to create vector variables from the specified in first argument location variable to your position. The result will be saved to the "vectors.{second argument}" variable.
  • 插件手册/betonquest/命令和权限.txt
  • 最后更改: 2019/01/27 07:48
  • 小小k酱